Friday 19 November 2010

PowerPoint Presentation


In your pair you are going to choose one area of representation to explore and analyse. You can choose from the following list:

  •  Representations of men
  •  Representations of women
  •  Ethnic representation
  • Representations of the family

In your pair you are going to use the internet to collect at least 10 different print adverts adverts which feature representations of the group you are studying.  In addition you could include print screens of TV adverts!
You are then going to create a powerpoint presentation of these adverts and for each one you will comment on the type of representation you see. For example:

  • Do you consider this to be a stereotypical image? If so, what of and why?
  •  Do you think that this image challenges the stereotype? Is so, how
  • Did the same type of image come up over and over again? Or did they offer a diverse view of gender, race or the family?

The following links maybe useful for finding print and TV advertisements:

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